Savoring the Preciousness of Time


Savoring the Preciousness of Time

Easing my life to deepen my living

I just finished two projects that have really had me consumed…both of them occupying my thoughts and my time commitments in deeply expanding ways. Yet being so engaged for the past few months, has helped to show me the changes that I want to make in my life to allow more time.  It’s funny, I want to allow my mind and time commitments to be consumed. I want to allow more of this deep opening into action and life. I want to shift my work and personal life to once again give me unstructured days that will allow my meditation, reading and research to flow naturally into my writing.

The challenge of being me includes my love of “doing”, of being busy as a way of feeling productive and alive. This is very good, but it also habitually shifts into too many commitments, and too little down time to explore, create, and relax. I know myself well enough to realize this is an ongoing pattern, but each shift I open to creates a deeper well of being. And with that, a deeper need and want for the other to take priority.

As I sort through the files that I created during my writing of programs and planning future events, I breath deeply, ground, and sigh. I see and feel the culmination of my work opening into the structure that will stay long term and allow both sides of myself to flourish. At least until the next time I recommit those unstructured days for more busy-ness!